Fun & Interesting

Food plot soil prep-Chisel Disc vs. Disc Harrow-Game changer?

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Power Tiller? Disc Harrow? Drag? Chisel Disc? Chisel-Disc-harrow? Once again I learned something new with planting our fall food plots for 2023! Join me in today's land management episode out in the field on our Southern Illinois hunting land as I have an 'A HA' moment out in the field working up and planting some fall food plots for deer! I won't ruin the suspense or knowledge that I gained in today's food plotting video, but I hope you enjoy the video and information that I share with you today as I learned yet another food plotting soil preparation lesson about my new Chisel Disc! Yes, the CHISEL does make a big difference in food plot soil preparation! Thanks for joining me today and if you enjoyed today's field video please hit the like button and consider subscribing to catch all of our land management and land improvement projects from both of our channels here at Kapper Outdoors! Thank you and we hope to see you on a future field episode! #kapperoutdoors #kapperoutdoors2 #kapperoutdoorsproject291 #foodplot #foodplots #foodplotsfordeer #fallfoodplot #fallfoodplots #southernillinoisland #southernillinois
