I do have a bachelors in drama though.
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Thanks to Raw for helping out with scenes and for missing the jump. Check out his channel:
Additional thanks to Vexcenot for helping inspire the thumbnail. Check out his channel too!!!:
Final thanks to OkayBruh for providing his live recorded burp as the burp sound effect at 1:08 in the video, a true artist.
Music used (in order played):
Octodad - Dadliest Catch OST - Title Screen
Animal Crossing (GameCube) - Original Soundtrack - 3AM
Attack on Titan - Eren Meets The Ocean OST (TKT)
EarthBound - The Jolly Flying Man
Hunter x Hunter (2011) Soundtrack - All I Need Is MONEY!
More Gun Team Fortress 2 [Music Box]
Hunter x Hunter (2011) OST 2 - Kusari Yarou (Kurapica's Theme)
Fallout 3 OST - Price of Honor
Team Fortress 2 - Degroot Keep Theme
Persona 5 OST - Phantom
Earthbound - Battle Against a Weird Opponent
SpongeBob Soundtrack - Graveyard
The Powerpuff Girls - Intro Theme
Mass Effect - Death Theme (doesn't have a name for some reason)
Spongebob Soundtrack - House of Horror
The Price is Right Losing Horn
Wario Land 4 - Credits
Doom Eternal OST - The Only Thing they Fear is You