Be sure to check out Anything Goes, our most recent musical production:
It's here, our Spring 2022 Production of "Footloose"! We hope you enjoy this fun-filled performance as much as we did. To see other SHS Productions here at Hilltopper Theatre, click here:
Summit High School has been a prominent name in high school performing arts across New Jersey, the country, and the globe. We have been celebrated with countless honors from institutions such as Papermill Playhouse, Montclair State University, and the FRINGE Festival. We take pride in storytelling, sharing important messages, and learning valuable life lessons with each and every production.
We're a public high school located in Summit, New Jersey. All funding for our shows originates from ticket sales, fundraising, and the generosity of the Summit Performing Arts Resource Committee (SPARC) and Hilltopper Stage Productions. We don't receive any funding from the Summit Board of Education.
00:00 Start
00:10 - Act 1 - The City of Chicago
01:07 - 1.1a- Footloose
04:45 - 1.1b- On Any Sunday
09:58 - 1.2- The Churchyard
13:28 - 1.3 - Junkyard
14:13 - The Girl Gets Around
17:27 - 1.4- A High School Hallway
18:49 - I Can’t Stand Still
24:32 - Somebody’s Eyes
30:21 - 1.5- The Moore Home
32:16 - Learning to be Silent
35:33 - 1.6- The Burger Blast
39:42 - Holding Out for a Hero
46:15 - 1.7- The Great Plains of Bomont
48:10 - Somebody’s Eyes (reprise)
49:26 - 1.8- The Moore Home
52:30 - Heaven Help Me
54:24 - 1.9a- The High School Gym
55:58 - I’m Free
01:01:12 - Act 2
01:01:53 - Act 2 overture
01:03:16 - 2.1- The Bar-B-Que
01:08:19 - Let’s Hear It For The Boy
01:13:33 - 2.2- The Moore Home
01:16:27 - Can You Find It In Your Heart?
01:19:09 - 2.3- Junkyard
01:22:01 - Momma Says
01:27:27 - 2.4- Under The Train Bridge
01:29:27 - Almost Paradise
01:33:48 - 2.5- The Town Hall
01:40:12 - 2.6- The Moore Home
01:45:13- 2.7- The Church
01:47:24 - 2.8- The Churchyard
01:48:49 - Can You Find It In Your Heart? (reprise)
01:49:37 - Footloose
01:54:13 - Curtain Call
We do not own anything. All rights reserved to:
Stage Adaptation by
Dean Pitchford and Walter Bobbie
Based on the Original Screenplay by Dean Pitchford
Music by Tom Snow Lyrics by Dean Pitchford
Additional Music by Eric Carmen, Sammy Hagar, Kenny Loggins and Jim Steinman
Ren McCormack - Donald Grennon
Ariel Moore - Anna Sullivan
Reverend Shaw Moore - Evan Gunter
Vi Moore - Grace Hendra
Ethel McCormack -Charlotte Butler
Willard Hewitt - Jake Model
Rusty - Lissette Green
Urleen - Ella Grainger
Wendy Jo - Emilia Moretti
Chuck Cranston - Matthew Hecker
Travis - Zachary Siegel
Lyle - Jake Ruggiero
Bickle - Jack Howson
Jeter - Ben Schachne
Garvin - Andres Vasquez
Coach Roger Dunbar - Alex Gallegos
Eleanor Dunbar - Thea Rind
Betty Blast - Sydney Veloso
Principal Harry Clark - Nicholas Fenelus
Wes Warnicker - Matt Polo
Lulu Warnicker - Lilly Espeland
Cowboy Bob - Blayde Hatem
Cop - Aarav Gupta
Charlie - Josh Moore
Cowgirls - Olivia Baldwin, Hefziba Campos, Leah Competiello Anna Creel, Katelyn Leiter, Emily Leuenberger
Citizens of Bomont - Scarlet Mai Bale Dyer, Cammy Barrett, Alexa Caplan, Rosie Gaeta, Anna Heil, Emily Huffman, Matt Krunnfusz, Ella Macgill, Genevieve McKay, Sofia Medenica, Henry Reising, Angelina Tung, Sarah Walsh, Charlotte Whitcher
Summit High School has been a prominent name in high school performing arts across New Jersey, the country, and the globe. We have been celebrated with countless honors from institutions such as Papermill Playhouse, Montclair State University, and the FRINGE Festival. We take pride in storytelling, sharing important messages, and learning valuable life lessons with each and every production.
We're a public high school located in Summit, New Jersey. All funding for our shows originates from ticket sales, fundraising, and the generosity of the Summit Performing Arts Resource Committee (SPARC) and Hilltopper Stage Productions. We don't receive any funding from the Summit Board of Education.
We do not own anything. All rights reserved to:
Stage Adaptation by
Dean Pitchford and Walter Bobbie
Based on the Original Screenplay by Dean Pitchford
Music by Tom Snow Lyrics by Dean Pitchford
Additional Music by Eric Carmen, Sammy Hagar, Kenny Loggins and Jim Steinman
Filmed by SHS students between March 2-5 2022, supervised by SHS teacher, Carlos Garcia, edited by Alex Gallegos. Proudly presented by Hilltopper State Productions, our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.