"Intermediate steps are really important for creating a quality composition." Eric walks through middle development steps with a root-over-rock Chinese Cork Bark Elm. If you want to create a similar composition, we now have starters available for purchase (U.S. only): https://www.bonsaify.com/products/chinese-corkbark-elm-bonsai-starters.
00:00:46 Exploring potential fronts. Thinning out the shoots that grew from cut points helps determine which buds to keep.
00:02:03 How Eric selects buds to remove.
00:03:14 Eric decides which section of the trunk he wants to keep and identifies where he wants to top to begin.
00:05:03 Tips for wiring the remaining vigorous shoots.
00:06:14 Eric explains his wiring choices.
00:07:21 Ramification decision.
00:08:01 How Eric ensures he doesn't knock off the shoots while wiring.
00:09:01 Creating the crown. The tree will be larger than Shohin size.
00:09:43 Eric gets a little technical - botany!
00:10:11 Re-visiting the front of the composition and branch placements.
00:11:45 How Eric got such vigorous growth so early in the year (early March).
Do you agree with Eric's styling choices? What would you have done differently? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you for watching! UPDATE: Eric continues to develop this Elm, with a touch of prediction and a lot of vision: https://youtu.be/twmgsgqAKlI.