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PLEASE LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE: To enable subtitles, click CC and select the appropriate language Dr. Olukoya's Deliverance Books: Background image from Google: DR DK OLUKOYA 👉🏽 MFM: 👉🏽 Dr Dk Olukoya Facebook - D.K. Olukoya is the General Overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministry (MFM), a full gospel ministry. He holds a first class honors degree in microbiology and is the author of several books on prayer and spiritual subjects. Some of his notable works include “Prayer Rain” and the “70 Seventy Days Prayer and Fasting Program 2020”. Dr. Olukoya is also known for his teachings on deliverance, and his ministry has been credited with numerous publications on the subject. Under his leadership, MFM grew from a small prayer group in Lagos, Nigeria, to over 300 churches in Nigeria and branches in African and Western countries. deliverance prayers by dr olukoya prayers against evil attacks by dr olukoya prayers for breakthrough and open doors dr olukoya mfm spiritual warfare prayers pastor olukoya midnight prayer mountain of fire and miracles ministries prayers mfm prayers for healing and deliverance #drolukoyaprayer #danielolukoya #mfmprayers #olukoyaprayer #gospel #prayers #mfm #mfmmannawaterservice #mfmdeliverancehour #mfmprayers2023 #drolukoyaprayer #drdkolukoya #drdkolukoyaprayers #prayeragainstgoliath #spiritualwarfareprayers #gospel #prayer #prayers #prayerworks #christainity #christ #church #churchservice #mfm #mfmmannawaterservice #mfmonline #mfmprayers2023 #mfm #prayers #olukoya#mfmdeliverancehour #officialgospeltv olukoya midnight prayers,mfm prayers, dr dk olukoya midnight prayers,dr olukoya midnight prayers,dr olukoya midnight prayers live, mountain of fire and miracles ministries dr dk olukoya,dr dk olukoya 2023,official gospel tv,olukoya 2023,dr olukoya,dr dk olukoya midnight prayers,mfm prayers,mountain of fire and miracles ministries,manna water service,pmch,power must change hands,gospel videos,gospel music,gospel songs,gospel high praise,mfm tv,mfm live streaming,olukoya midnight prayers,midnight prayers,mfm pmch live,olukoya prayers,daniel olukoya,dr dk olukoya sermons,mfm sermons live,olukoya live,mfm ministries MFM Television THE MOST DANGEROUS MIDNIGHT PRAYERS 12AM 1AM Pray Your Way Into 2024 Dr D. K. Olukoya 2024 COMMAND THE MORNING WITH THIS PRAYERS PRAY THIS BETWEEN 12AM - 4AM EVERYDAY - DR D.K OLUKOYA MFM GREAT PHYSICIAN HOUR DR OLUKOYA 2024 MIDNIGHT PRAYERS MIDNIGHT PRAYERS BREAKTHROUGH PRAYERS MARATHON MIDNIGHT TOTAL/DEEP DELIVERANCE prayers command the morning by olukoya prayers for breakthrough and open doors olukoya midnight prayers today aggressive prayer of the psalmist olukoya powerful psalms dr olukoya deliverance prayers prayers for breakthrough and open doors command the morning by olukoya holy spirit prayers for miracles dr olukoya breakthrough prayer 2-hours Deliverance, Destiny & Possession, Recovery Prayers PRAYERS 20 MINS AT NIGHT BEFORE BED - DR D.K OLUKOYA I SHALL NOT DIE BUT LIVE ~ DDR D.K OLUKOYA #prayerpoints #mfm THE BATTLES OF LIFE (3) - MFM MANNA WATER prayers for a miracle from god a powerful prayer for god's help powerful prayers for protection powerful prayers for victory and breakthrough most powerful prayer in the bible holy spirit prayers for miracles prayers for blessings and miracles miracle prayer for impossible situations powerful prayer to the holy spirit prayer for miracles to happen most powerful healing prayer powerful spiritual warfare prayers powerful house cleansing prayers most powerful morning prayer powerful prayer for healing prayer to jesus for miracles powerful prayers for healing in your body powerful prayer for protection from evil how to pray powerful prayers miracle prayer for healing motivational prayers for success prayer for financial miracle prayer for miracle healing a loved one financial miracle prayer that works immediately the most powerful prayer powerful prayer for healing and deliverance prayer for god's healing power prayer for instant miracle powerful prayer for healing in jesus name prayers for success and prosperity most sacred heart of jesus prayer powerful morning prayer blessing
