The film is adapted from the forensic novel "The Body Whisperer" by Qin Ming. It tells the story of Qin Ming (played by Yan Yikuan), known as the "Ghost-Handed Buddha," who has dissected over 1,000 bodies without making a single mistake. However, an accidental discovery that a "Silent Body Practitioner" preserved in formalin for six years was actually murdered raises doubts and criticism from the media, putting him in the spotlight. Guided by clues left on the bodies, Qin Ming, assisted by his intern Jiajia (played by Dai Si) and the police captain Lin Tao (played by Geng Le), uncovers the secrets behind a 16-year-old cold case involving a snow disaster, a six-year-old wrongful conviction of the "Silent Body Practitioner's" murder, and an unsolved case of an IT guy dying from lung explosion. Through these twists and turns, Qin Ming ultimately becomes a "Messenger of Life and Death," advocating for justice for the deceased and the rights of the living.
Directors: Li Haishu, Huang Yanwei
Writers: Huang Yanwei, Li Haishu, Zhang Xiujie, Han Rui, Ma Yuehong, Xu Ying
Starring: Yan Yikuan, Dai Si, Geng Le, Hao Shaowen, Du Juan, Qin Ming
Genre: Suspense, Crime
Country: Mainland China
Language: Mandarin Chinese
Runtime: 104 minutes