जंगल की डरावनी कहानियां - Forest Camping Horror Stories in Hindi | Wendigo | Best One Horror Podcast
जंगल की डरावनी कहानियां- Forest Camping Horror Stories in Hindi | Best One Horror Podcast #horrorstories #wendigo #campinghorror
This video has three Horror stories in hindi based on forest Camping Horror Stories two Stories are written by me and the third one is sent by one of my subscriber. first Horror Story is from Uttarakhand. where a akshay encounters a very mysterious creature in the jungle in a dark night. second story is base on wendigo where a family camps in a jungle and they encounter a wendigo when father had to leave his child in front of wendigo to get killed by it. but there is twist in the last. third Horror Story is about a pair of boots found in jungle. and the story revolve around those boots. please listen the Stories till last and put your comment in the comment box and tell how dyu like the Stories.