We were recently commissioned by a Japanese temple builder to forge some special chisels which he designed to better facilitate his daily work. Due to many factors, it has become very difficult to buy custom forged chisels inside Japan. Even when possible, the wait list are years long, and the prices very high.
For these reasons this commission ended up far away in rural Kentucky.
Our client had the brilliant idea of creating wooden forms to send me, giving me an exact example to base my forgings on. This was very helpful and made the process much easier.
We have been overjoyed to be able to help in this project. It is such a huge honor to be asked to make these tools.
This collaboration is also visible on instagram where we trade videos.
Mr. Ozaki has a wonderful Instagram page and also a youtube with many great posts showing his daily work. All very impressive stuff! Please see the link to his pages below.
Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/mrchickadee
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mr_chickadee1/
My website : https://mrchickadee.com/