UPDATE: Just discovered quadruple jump. Expect this record to be beaten again soon. Best possible time may be 36:XX now? Everything is very up in the air at the moment.
This was a much cleaner run than the previous one, with the exception of one really dumb time loss in Level 14.
(The new Level 12 route is easily the biggest highlight of this run. It starts at 27:20.)
4:32 — I played it safe and used the old Level 2 route. The Sam Trap route would have saved ~10 seconds, but it's a lot less consistent and I end up spending a lot more time replaying the first few levels. Considering how much time was available later in the run, I decided to go with the more consistent option.
16:14 — I lost a few seconds to the boulder in Level 8. Easily the second worst rock-based time loss in this run.
17:58 — @47mvp89 recently found a new route for Level 9 that saves almost 20 seconds and allows us to avoid the crocodile entirely. If you get Sam to chase you and then lose him while the robot is in the right position, he'll attack it as if it had triggered the lettuce trap. It's a really easy trick to pull off, and the loop-de-loop maneuver is pretty fun. Very nice find.
24:05 — I avoided the bridge walk in Level 11 in favor of using lettuce to lure the sheep across. It takes a bit longer to do it this way, but there was still roughly 1:30 to be saved in later levels, so I decided to play it safe.
27:20 — This is the first appearance of @47mvp89's new Level 12 route in an Any% run, and man, this one is nuts. He found the Goat Climb strat, which allows us to cancel Ralph's falling animation and climb up most non-vertical walls, and he also found a path along the edge of the void that just barely avoids the ghosts' kill zone. It's a very fine line between getting zapped by the ghosts and falling down into the void, but it saves 40 seconds over the old route if you manage to pull it off. It's also VERY cool to watch, so kudos to 47mvp for discovering this one.
32:20 — @47mvp89 also found a way to force Yosemite Sam to perform his walk-in-a-circle animation by talking to him over and over. I didn't have to do it in this run, but if you're wondering why I didn't use the lettuce strat, that's why. The days of accidentally luring the sheep into piranha-infested water are over.
33:28 — This stupid rock. I rarely have problems with this rock, but today I just couldn't get it to land on the button to save my life. I managed to place it on the very edge of its hitbox three times before getting it right, and by then I had missed the train. That rock cost me 40 seconds. It would have honestly been faster to just restart the level, but I didn't think of that at the time. I was too mad at the rock.
34:52 — This is the third world record that uses the new cutscene skip, but it's still new enough to warrant an honorable mention. All you have to do is hold Run as you finish Level 14, and Ralph will register the input before the Save Game screen takes control away again. This causes him to run outside the cutscene's trigger zone, which in turn allows us to exit out of the cutscene and go straight into Planet X. Three and a half minutes, gone. It's magical.
There's still over two minutes to be saved if you clean up the mistakes and don't chicken out of the optimal route. But for now, I'm happy with this run. It's a lot cleaner than the last one at least. With any luck, we should have a sub-40 run sometime soon!
Big thanks to @ast6r, @ZeddikSpeedrun, @47mvp89, and everyone else in the Sheep Raider discord who helped bring the time down this far. It's hard to believe we've taken almost 9 minutes off the Any% route in the past couple of years. Go us.
If you're interested in speedrunning the game, or just want to check out the HD PC version we use for speedruns, check out the Discord server. They're cool people. https://discord.com/invite/n3EuF78tDJ