APOLOGIES FOR THE REUPLOAD, BUT THIS WILL BE GOING ON MY MAIN ACC NOW!!! and yes, I am the original person who found Dime Novel. this is my main account, sorry for deleting it. enjoy, everyone!
I cannot believe I managed to get my hands on this...
thank you so much to my sisters friend who was able to get me the song from her crowdfunding album!!! I hope that MARETUs fans enjoy the song as much as I did when I first listened to it a few weeks ago, but I've just been told I was allowed to post it.
thank you all, your support is appreciated!
#maretu #lostmedia #vocaloid
This is not my song. this is a song by MARETU called "Dime Novel", in which was lost media until I found it a few weeks ago (with the help of my sisters friend as previously stated), and I was just given permission to post it publicly onto YouTube.
thank you.