Multiple clips from Foxhole War 119, Infantry Update War. From the first days to the end of the war, the operations Wardens conducted on the path of Victory are presented for you to Enjoy!
War 119 started rather dark, but with their naval effort and the well-planned offensive, Wardens have turned the tide and achieved a significant win, as an honorable comeback. Fellow members of Partisan House, Squid himself, and regiments such as DNA, KRGG, LAMBDA; with the support of Veterans (Ⓥ) and many random players of the faction have taken the initiative to plan and execute the key operations such as Old Captain, Jade Cove, Baths tap ops, the siege of Watchful Nave and many partisan work in Colonial backlines, hitting their logistics and production efforts. And with the courtesy of AJS, Wardens have killed many Colonial tanks, through well-organised collective work.
Special Thanks to:
Ⓥman for being the family they are.
Squid /@Squidink65
AJS / @ArmorJanitorialServices
The video includes clips from 2 Foxhole Twitch streamers. Thank you. Make sure to follow and subscribe to them as well. Cheers! They are good people.
Alex Chamberlain:
Squid's Jade Cove tap preparation video in full:
00:00 In This Video
00:53 Partisan House
01:47 Old Captain Tap Op
02:23 Jade Cove Tap Op
04:52 Reddit Komando
05:19 Watchful Nave Siege
07:41 Warden Offensive
10:29 MSA meme
11:19 Warden Offensive II
14:18 Incident that never happened in Lib Point
15:20 AJS anti-tank squad
23:53 Warden Offensive III
29:25 End of War
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Music in the Video (by order):
Keep Your Head Up - Onra
Mississippi Queen - Mountain
Ms. Ho - Onra
Will I See You Again - Onra
Grind (Original Mix) - Strong
Keine Tränen - Brutalismus 3000
The Pusher (Easy Rider Soundtrack) - Steppenwolf
Keep Your Head Up - Onra
Foxhole is a massively multiplayer game where thousands of players shape the outcome of a persistent online war. Every individual soldier is a player who contributes to the war effort through logistics, base building, reconnaissance, combat, and more. Most of the buildings and vehicles in the game are player-made, which makes it really fun.
#foxhole #foxholegame #wardens