The Rosary has a way of ensnaring us. But what we come to discover is that in being ensnared, we are saved. Fr. Gregory Pine teaches us that the Rosary asks of us a kind of contemplative stance—because we're actually "heaven-dwellers" here on earth—we're all called to be contemplatives. And we can do this by contemplating the saving mysteries of Christ. The mysteries we pray in the Rosary accompany us in this life, ultimately saving us! At his annunciation, Christ is saving. At his visitation, Christ is saving. At his nativity, Christ is saving. At his presentation, Christ is saving. All the way down the line, Christ is saving. And we contemplate these mysteries in union with Mary, the one who enjoys the most intimate union with her Son. She helps us to see joy, to see light, to see sorrow, and to see glory.