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#手邊書# Peter Kreeft #纽约显圣容堂 #FrPeter
导师:Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy at Boston College 作品:[ Love is stronger than Death] Ignatius Press (1992)
请将我有如印玺,放在你的心上,有如印玺,放在你肩上,因为爱情猛如死亡,妒 爱顽如阴府:它的焰是火焰,是上主的火焰。(歌 8:7)Set me as a seal upon your
heart, as a seal upon your arm; For Love is strong as Death, longing is fierce as Sheol. Its arrows are arrows of fire, flames of the divine.
00:00 课前祷+前言
09:08 死亡的第一张面孔:仇敌
15:27 死亡的第二张面孔:陌客
26:40 死亡的第三张面孔:朋友
40:39 死亡的第四张面孔:母亲
54:40 死亡的第五张面孔:爱人
01:12:52 主爱歌