With Fragpunk’s release on March 6 - there are 13 lancers to choose from, and while they are all able to be unlocked entirely for free - this guide will help you figure out which ones to unlock first, and help you figure out which lancer suits your playstyle best. I’m not only gonna tell you what their abilities do, but I’m also going to give you tips and tricks for each ability to get the most out of the entire kit thats available to you.
DISCORD 👉 https://discord.gg/h8qTzXN
TWITCH 👉 https://twitch.tv/ArdyIRL
⏰ Timecodes ⏰
00:00 Intro
00:34 Giveaway
01:13 Broker
02:56 Nitro
04:06 Hollowpoint
05:12 Jaguar
06:55 Chum
07:53 Corona
09:06 Serket
10:11 Pathojen
11:25 Zephyr
12:29 Spider
13:27 Kismet
14:27 Axon
15:25 Sonar
16:35 Summary
18:20 Outro
WATCH NEXT 👉 https://youtu.be/AK_n3pTJqEQ