What types of scams are there at a Gas Station?
Are many! Know these 6 blows that harm the consumer ... From gas station attendants in collusion to distract the driver to pulling the trigger and not leaving anything (DRY or CLOTHED bomb).
One of the most recent discoveries is that we named it MATHEMATICS CLASS, when the PUMP itself incorrectly calculates the value and is presented to the user.
Learn about these gas station scams and how they work.
We also give tips on how to try to get out.
Finally, we show a blow applied in the CONVENIENCE STORE. I doubt you can understand this scam and say what that woman did!
subjects: adulterated gasoline, gas station, stealing gas station, dishonest attendant, different value at the gas station, blow at the gas station, gasoline with more alcohol, christened gasoline, clogged pump, roubandp gas station, flagrant at the gas station