Donate now!
Help the Critical Role Foundation provide much needed aid to those impacted by the LA Wildfires!
Your support of Critical Role and the Critical Role Foundation has truly given us the opportunity to leave this world better than we found it and thank you for donating to the Los Angeles community that we love so dearly.
Your donations can shape this one-shot! Donations made during this one-shot broadcast will either provide boons (Order) or banes (Chaos) to our adventurers. Here’s the list of boons and banes you can expect to donate to see on stream:
$200 – CURSE: The next player to roll a d20 has stackable disadvantage. (can cancel Fortune)
$500 – SMITE: Player of Choice takes 4d6 damage.
$1,000 – WILD MAGIC: A Player of Choice must roll on the Wild Magic table.
$2,000 – PUNISHMENT: Random Community NPC is briefly summoned to harm.
$3,000 – POLYMORPH: A Player of Choice gets Polymorphed into a random creature.
$5,000 – DECK OF CHAOS: A Player of Choice must pull from the Deck of Many Things.
$200 – FORTUNE: The next player to roll a d20 has stackable advantage. (can cancel Curse)
$500 – CURE: A Player of Choice regains 4d6 hit points.
$1,000 – AEGIS: All players gain 15 Temporary Hit Points.
$2,000 – ASSISTANCE: A Random Community NPC is briefly summoned to help.
$3,000 – TRANQUILITY: All Players regain 70 Hit Points.
$5,000 – LIMITED WISH: A Player of Choice gains a use of the Wish spell, but can only speak 5 words when used.
The Critical Role Foundation will allocate and evenly split every single dollar of each donation raised to the following organizations:
California Community Foundation / Wildfire Recovery Fund:
Latino Community Foundation:
LA Fire Department Foundation:
Pre-order our “Critters For California Fire Relief T-Shirt” (Designed by Aaron Monroy) through our US Critical Role Shop!
$15 of each sale will also go towards benefitting the California Community Wildfire Recovery Fund, the Latino Community Foundation, and the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation through the Critical Role Foundation.
Learn more about our LA Wildfire Charity Campaign at
Learn more about our non-profit organization, the Critical Role Foundation at
#CriticalRoleFoundation #CharityOneShot #LosAnglesWildfireRecovery