November - early March is a fantastic time to take hardwood cuttings! In this video I'm using Buddleia Davidii 'butterfly bush' but this method can be used on other shrubs like Cornus, Forsythia, Hydrangea, Philadelphus, Roses etc.
Filmed February 2023 this task took me about an hour from cutting the material from the parent plant, cutting to size & potting them up. They will get water throughout the year, but I won't pot them on to at least October 2023 or even March 2024. I counted 43 in total & I estimate at least 35 will be successful if not them all, Buddleia is very easy to propagate I don't even use rooting hormone.
Ideal if you're gardening on a budget like myself or just want to make more of your favourite plants! Resist the temptation to pot them up sooner even if you see roots and leaves during Spring/summer, the moment you disturb them in a period of growth can result in you killing the cutting.
I potted them in a sandy free draining mixture, cuttings aren't fussy they don't need high nutritional value at this stage & compost is equally just as good.
If you would like to see Yew Cottage Garden from Garden of the year 2022 you can find it on the below link (22:30)
If you would like to see Yew Cottage Garden from RTE1 Ireland's Garden Heroes 2021 you can find it on the below link (8:42)
You can also find me on Instagram & Facebook just search Yew Cottage Garden 😊