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00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:07 Lesson 1.1 The Money Mind
00:04:03 Lesson 1.2 The History of Money
00:06:34 Lesson 1.3 Why Do We Need Money
00:09:18 Lesson 1.4 It’s Wealth, Not Money
00:12:27 Lesson 1.5 How to Make Wealth
00:14:57 Lesson 1.6 Chapter 1 Learnings
00:17:02 Lesson 2.1 Why Investing
00:20:11 Lesson 2.2 What is Investing
00:22:07 Lesson 2.3 Stock Market Investing
00:24:41 Lesson 2.4 Bonds Investing
00:27:45 Lesson 2.5 Real Estate Investing
00:31:48 Lesson 2.6 Gold Investing
00:34:51 Lesson 2.7 Collectibles Investing
00:37:33 Lesson 2.8 The Best Investing
00:40:55 Lesson 2.9 Risks in Investing
00:45:20 Lesson 2.10 Chapter 2 Learnings
00:49:45 Lesson 3.1 Why Companies Come to Stock Market
00:52:50 Lesson 3.2 What are Shares
00:55:46 Lesson 3.3 The IPO Process
00:58:32 Lesson 3.4 How IPO Works
01:02:05 Lesson 3.5 Two Methods of IPO
01:05:37 Lesson 3.6 Demat Account & Brokers
01:09:01 Lesson 3.7 Stock Exchanges & Stock Market Index
01:12:36 Lesson 3.8 Chapter 3 Learnings
01:14:40 Lesson 4.1 Ways to Invest
01:17:48 Lesson 4.2 Mutual Funds
01:21:44 Lesson 4.3 Direct vs Regular Mutual Funds
01:24:02 Lesson 4.4 ETFs
01:26:01 Lesson 4.5 PMS
01:29:10 Lesson 4.6 Why Does Share Price Increase
01:33:10 Lesson 4.7 Dividends
01:37:45 Lesson 4.8 How Share Price Changes
01:42:16 Lesson 4.9 Two Investing Philosophies
01:46:44 Lesson 4.10 Active Investing Strategies
01:50:18 Lesson 4.11 Value Investing
01:54:11 Lesson 4.12 Two Things to Learn to Become a Successful Investor
01:57:44 Lesson 4.13 Wealth Creation Possibilities in Stock Market
01:59:54 Lesson 4.14 Power of Compounding
02:05:17 Lesson 4.15 CAGR
02:10:39 Lesson 4.16 Rule of 72
02:13:12 Lesson 4.17 Investing vs Trading
02:17:21 Lesson 4.18 Investing is Not Gambling
02:20:10 Lesson 4.19 Why Investing is the Best Business
02:24:31 Lesson 4.20 How to Start Investing
02:28:50 Lesson 4.21 Fees & Charges in Stock Market
02:32:54 Lesson 4.22 Investing Learning Resources
02:39:09 Lesson 4.23 Chapter 4 Learnings
02:42:33 Ending
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Script Written by -
- Shahrukh Ahmad (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ceoshahrukh)
Voiceover & Animation by -
- Hasheb Anzar (https://www.linkedin.com/in/hashebanzar)
DISCLAIMER: True Investing is an Educational Initiative and is NOT REGISTERED UNDER ANY SEBI REGULATIONS. All the information that we provide is just for educational purposes and you should consult your financial advisor before making any investment decision. Also, we do NOT provide any form of Stock Tips or Advise on stocks or portfolios. The description & Pinned Comment may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, we'll receive a small commission. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this.