FreeCAD Version 1.0.0 recently came out and includes a default assembly tool. It's a bit counter-intuitive especially if you're used to other CAD packages. The wiki ( isn't much help yet either because it's a new package and the documentation just isn't fully developed yet.
Here, I lay out the basic tools needed to get started in the new FreeCAD Assembly Workbench and get over some of the initial frustration.
The big theme for me is the difference between a "Constraint" and a "Joint." In Solidworks for example, you make an assembly by adding constraints, which is essentially eliminating one degree of freedom at a time. But if you think of a physical joint on a piece of machinery, all of the possible degrees of freedom are already constrained by the design of that joint. Same thing in FreeCAD. We have to define the joint first, which defines all degrees of freedom simultaneously, with default values for the constraints. Then we have to go in and adjust those default values.