Welcome to episode 43! Join me as I attempt to perform a massive upgrade to Freeford’s transit system. The video features an expansion of train and bus routes, as well as a look into the usage of e-scooters, and our urban trail.
Time Stamps:
Intro - 0:00
Train System Overview: 0:42
Timelapse - New Train Stations: 1:50
Train System In-Game Look: 2:55
Train Assets: 4:54
Train System Conclusion and Cinematics: 5:01
Bus System Overview: 5:30
Timelapse - Wakenden State Area Bus Station: 7:06
Timelapse - Highland Hill Bus Station: 7:49
Timelapse - Norwood Bus Hub: 8:29
Timelapse - Westwood Bus Station: 9:20
Timelapse - Franklin Valley Bus Hub: 9:39
Bus Station Cinematic: 10:14
Custom Bus Shelters: 10:28
Bus Line In-Game Look: 11:03
Bus Assets: 13:15
Bus System Conclusion and Cinematics: 13:33
E-Scooters and Billboards: 13:46
Urban Trail Discussion: 14:38
Closing Thoughts: 15:50
Ending Cinematics: 16:13
Outro (featuring a guest!): 17:18
Song List:
The End of You and Me - spring gang
Nevermore - Megan Wofford
Don’t Be Scared - Katori Walker
Don’t Fight It Baby - Bang Bang
Until It’s Over - spring gang
Why Not - SRA
Left Right - I’MIN
Ilona - Felix Johansson Carne (Outro Music)
Big thanks to Epidemic Sound for the awesome music!
X: @dahandymandy1
Instagram @dahandymandy_yt
Reddit: u/dahandymandy_yt
About the Series:
Welcome to Freeford, Wakenden USA! Freeford is a Cities: Skylines series. The city is supposed to be set in the Southern United States in the fictional US state of Wakenden (WK) in between Alabama and Georgia (you can try to visualize that) The city will have many influences from major Southern U.S. Cities like Atlanta, Charlotte, and Birmingham, as well as some Northern influences from cities like Chicago and New York City.
#citiesskylines #freeford
Tags: city,cities,cities skylines,cities: skylines,cities skylines series,episode,cities: skylines series, freeford, cities skylines, Cities: Skylines, cities: skylines, dahan, dahan dahan, dahand, da hand, dahandy, handyman, dahandyman, dahandymandy, dahandymanny, handymanny, handymandy, handydandy, dahandydandy, dahanman, darmandy, dahanmandy, dahanmandy, urban planning, urban planning simulator, transit, public transit, buses, trains, cities skylines mass transit, bus, train,