Hi guys, welcome back to sisvita ✨✨ Becky and Freen are currently still enjoying their vacation at the beach with Phi Nam, Becky's father and Richie (Becky's older brother)
At that time, fans got updates from the three of them, such as Becky who uploaded several photos and videos on her Instagram story
Then Becky also uploaded several other photos while enjoying the beach view there on her Instagram feed!
Likewise with Freen and Phi Nam who also uploaded several of their latest photos on their respective Instagrams,
Then there was Richie who also didn't miss giving his updates, such as photos of eating together, and videos from Becky
On that day, fans also got a live from Phi Nam, and even though at that time the three of them didn't really show themselves on the live, fans were happy to hear their voices, especially Becky and Freen
There were many things that Becky, Phi Nam and Freen discussed on the live with fans before they finally took a break
#freenbeck #beckyarmstrong #freensarocha