Thank you for watching.
This video was edited long back but could not upload due to technical issues. The project file was once lost, and after recovering lately it is being uploaded.
Sorry for the delay to the Freshers of St. Peter's 2022.😁
The video is a long duration video, so...you can skip and watch if you want to.
The timestamps are also listed below:
00:00 Intro
01:09 Opening
01:42 Welcome song
01:56 Welcoming
04:15 Welcome speech
06:38 Could be better than this
09:36 Dance by Logni and co.
13:55 Solo by Khunghring
14:50 Dance by HB Priya and co.
17:05 Fresher's Walk
21:38 Questionnaire
33:23 Boys
35:21 Questionnaire
43:35 Presentation
44:58 Korengshing and Rimnu
45:52 Song from Sir Stephen
47:29 Freshers of the year declaration
48:35 Outro
Once again, thank you so much for watching.🙏
#stpetersschool #monsangpantha #chandel #chandelschool #class11 #class11freahers #freshersmeet #freshers #tribal