FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN' week 5 chrismas update mod! EVIL PICO vs Corrupt KAPI FULL WEEK (all days)!
This fnf mod adds a creepy lemon demon version of pico from the new week 5 christmas update. This week of the mod is against corrupt kapi!
This video is a compilation of part 1, part 2, and the final battle!
With Cassandra defeated and the situation looking dire for Kapi, who is left to prevent the corruption..?
Original Corruption Mod where this is based off: @PhantomFearYT and @PincerProd
Mod: Carlito049
Kapi, Arcade showdown and background by @paperkittyyt
Dialogue System and UI by DragShot (Discord)
I traced the notes from OG corruption (updated ones)
got the chromToggle from Matttz 90's charts so credit goes for him
aberration shader script by: BBPanzu modified by BombasticTom
I used the toggle trail event from headshot that's made by Jesdroid in his minus corruption demo
Pico sprites by me using his og fla, I traced the hand from the og corrupted pico sprite from phantom fear
His ''ey'' is from FNF VS. ONLINE
Kapi og sprites and fla by PaperKitty, edited by me (I recreated the ''meow'' sprite)
Kapi chromatic scales:
Mainly used my pico chrom but also used these:
And @The_Conenter 's tuned pico
Pico's Voicelines by Racoon J.M
Used this notesplashes:
Icons by me using the original ones as a base
smoothcamera by SGWLFNF
icon_flinch by flamez__
goodapple event by JustJasonLol
iconbop by Sropical
smooth bar by UnholyWanderer04
motiosndetectnote by kornelbutandtrolmongus
Wild-eyed by Carlito049:
Claws V2 by Carlito049:
Growl V2 by Carlito049:
Game Over/ Deceived (Fanarts section/ Interlude) by Carlito049
The support on these videos has been insane! Thank you everyone!
You can chat or send fan art here!: