Soul Bf vs Friday Night Funkin' Corruption:
Después que todo el mundo se corrompió ya parecía que no había esperanzas hasta que en la cabeza de Boyfriend apareció una… Soul Bf, que después de haber ayudado a la corrupción a contra de su voluntad decidió traicionar a la corrupción y salvar a todos sus amigos y el único modo era salir de cabeza de Boyfriend y sin pensarlo dos veces Soul bf logra salir de ahí.
Después que Soul Bf logra salir se va a la ciudad pero ahí se encuentra con un chico con un arma dispuesto a matar a Soul Bf.
After the whole world became corrupted, it seemed that there was no hope until a... Soul Bf appeared in Boyfriend's head, who after having helped corruption against his will decided to betray corruption and save all his friends and the only way was to get out of Boyfriend headlong and without thinking twice Soul bf manages to get out of there.
After Soul Bf manages to get out he goes to the city but there he meets a boy with a gun willing to kill Soul Bf.
-Special credits-
Og Corruption: Phantom Fear
–Soul Bf Corrupted Team!--
- Tetsu.Bros: Ex-Leader, Spriterd, Cartoonist, Coder and Voice actor
- Soul_Bf_: Leader, Charter, Coverd and Voice actor
- Go Pico: Co-Leader, Spriterd, Cartoonist and Coder
- The Zerø: composer
- BlossomCharmin’: Remixerd
Corrupted Pico: Tetsu_Bros
Corrupted Pico old: Tetsu_Bros
Pico day 3 memory: Tetsu_Bros
Corrupted Bf memory: Tetsu_Bros
-Concept: KaokyZen
Soul Bf: Tetsu_Bros
-Fla: Dark Ookami
Soul Bf old: Tetsu_Bros
-Fla: Dark Ookami
Corrupted Gf: Tetsu_Bros
BG_1: Friday Night Funkin’
-edit: Tetsu_Bros
BG_3: FNF' Corruption B-side week Pico
-edit: KaokyZen and Tetsu_Bros
Miniatura: BlazeMath
Notes assets and Shots: Tetsu_Bros
Icons: KaokyZen Tetsu_Bros
(Cpico, Cpico old, SoulBf old, Pico d3 memory, SoulBf: Tetsu_Bros)
(Bf memory, Pico memory and Corrupted Bf memory: KaokyZen)
-Song/Remix and Cover-
''Unknown suffering'' : Jhaix
''Unknown suffering AweRemix'' : Awe and Saster
‘’Corrupted suffering'' (Cover) : Soul_Bf_ and Tetsu_Bros
(Pico and Cpico part: Tetsu_Bros)
(SoulBf and Corrupted Bf part: Soul_Bf_)
-FLP/Midi: Another Soul BF
Unknown suffering AweRemix: Thailand
-edit: Tetsu_Bros
-Voice actors-
Pico: Racoon J.M
Code: Tetsu_Bros
Lua Bg: Tetsu_Bros
#FridayNightFunkin #FnF #Corruption #FridayNightFunkinCorruption #SoulBf #SoulBfvsFnfCorruption #FridayNightFunkinmod #picoday #pico #fnfmod #fnfcovers #fridaynightfunkincovers