Friday Night Funkin' VS Pibby Tails (New Mod). So we have another new Pibby x FNF Concept Mod - VS Corrupted Tails. The name of this FNF New Pibby Tails Mod is - Hills of Corruption DEMO. This FNF Pibby Tails is remaster of previous demo of pibby sonic and tails mod. This VS New FNF Corrupted Tails, Corrupted Sonic is still a demo mod. This fnf pibby sonic and tails mod have 4 new bonus songs as well, three of them are shown in this fnf corrupted pibby video. Maybe I'll make a video of full mod later. This FNF Pibby Tails and Corrupted Sonic Mod is made by Hotracer652:
In fight with every new FNF X Pibby mods created in past, will Boyfriend, Girlfriend be able to defeat these corrupted fnf x pibby characters? or BF and Gf get corrupted too?
We got so many fnf newest pibby mods like Finn, Pibby A , Gumball, fnf pibby vicky, Jake, Pibby Baldi, Mickey Mouse, Powerpuff Girls, Robin, Princess Bubblegum, vs alphabet lore, pibby imposter, pibby garcello mod, VS Pibby Girlfriend, Corrupted Shaggy, pibby snail, Pibby Spongebob, Corrupted pucca, Pibby Patrick, Corrupted Mr Kat, Pibby Phineas, Corrupted Peppa Pig and Pibby Tails, Corrupted Bugs Bunny, Pibby Regular Show, Pibby Garcello, Pico, Oswald, Corrupted Orange, Phineas and Ferb, pibby girlfriend and Tails as pibby's corruption mods. Let's see which corrupted character will be included in future FNF x Pibby Mods after this fnf Pibby Mod, like Fred Flintstone, Pibby, Scooby-Doo, Rocko's Modern Life, Velma, and a many others from the pibby show.
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Friday Night Funkin' VS Corrupted Tails, FNF Pibby Sonic & Tails Corrupted New Mod Download:
Friday Night Funkin' VS Tails Corrupted Sonic Pibby, FNF x Pibby Mod Credits:
*Note - I was not able to put everyone's link here due to words limit, So I decided to put names only (I talked creator for this). Please visit official mod page for all credits links -*
HotRacer652 - owner/director, charter of literally every song
NexxIto - sprite artist/animator, some ui stuff
King Daniel - composer, chromatics, concept artist
Fun01 - composer
InVoid - composer
Crotheon - background artist/animator
Dusttrust - icon artist, note textures and remastered sonic week (emerald hills) background (original by emoticope)
Thorn!!!! - composer of corruption
TheInkySlayer - artist/animator (made the mod's logo and all the art in tailsus except the susfriend icons)
GuideStars - he is guidestars, also playtester dud
DuduBonie - artist (made all the art in origins except the opponent icons)
XtremeSonic1 - animator (animated the opponent sprites in origins)
Rodrigo The Music Man - composer
Latter (D) - lua scripter, credits script
SenpaiGEN - promo artist
Villager_Boi - survivor bf sprites
Flashplosion - concept artist
FridayNightGachin - composer of the menu, gameover and pause themes
Unkn0wnAC - background artist (normal tails background)
Matisto - concept artist, father of sus tails
MiniSymba - coder
Daniel ibeawuchi vaasans - coder
Special Thanks
Jucamimanda - playtester
DevCheese - playtester
Multi Gamer - original normal and corrupted tails idle concepts
Ya_Boi_RJ_ - original beast sonic concept art
eliotschmeliot - most of the original backgrounds for the mod
I.C-0wl - came up with the new name for the mod
Vs. Sonic.exe Team - tails.exe/tails chromatic (used as tails' voice in this mod, and with added effects for the corrupted version)
Pibby Corrupted Team
some assets such as glitch note scripts
Glitched Legends Collab
Dusttoybonnie - owner of glitched legends, aritst/animator
Emperor Yami - composer
Mr Fazbear - co-director of glitched legends, coded the stage I think?
HotRacer652 - charter
All Songs from Friday Night Funkin' New Pibby Mod - VS Pibby Tails (Pibby x FNF Mod) Timestamp:
00:00 FNF Tails Pibby New Mod
00:27 Euphoria Invomix (Corrupted Tails vs BF)
04:37 Mechanical Wizard (Pibby Tails vs BF)
07:03 Lost Innocence (Corrupted Tails vs BF)
09:00 Ending
#FridayNightFunkin #pibbymod #Pibby #PibbyxFNF #fnfmod #PibbyMod fnf pibby references, pibby fnf mod,fnf come play with pibby, fnf corruption, come and learn with pibby fnf, fnf pibby corrupted mod. new pibby corrupted mod, fnf new pibby mods, new pibby mod