42 Berlin is a free coding academy based in the middle of Neukölln, Berlin. You'll find us within a beautiful old building, rich with a history that is not far from legendary. So buckle up, and let our team tell the story from where it all began, to how our software engineering campus looks today. We let you in on all the bumps in the road involved in creating a space for the #NextGenerationTechEducation, the incredible transformation the space has seen, and watch until the end for a quick fire round of questions with Kars and our furry school mascot!
It all started in 1913 when the technical post production of movies was the main event happening between these brick walls, and working on iconic movies, such as The Matrix, was an ordinary day's work. Today, the future of this building has a new purpose that is no less significant; to cater for over 600 software engineers in their tuition-free coding studies. 2022 has seen the space come to life with ongoing rounds of refurbishment and the instalment of high quality facilities. By June 2022, our campus was (mostly) ready to go, welcoming in our fist cohort of coders to start their 42 journey.
So grab a coffee and let us get you excited for the next chapter of this building's history in the making.
If you haven't watched our previous video, take a look to discover what our #42Berlin mission is all about and how it might just be the answer to your future (and the universe, and everything ... ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KakBzIyRnYE&list=LLCYvkF7HjYk8ZMYYdl0_WZQ
To become a part of 42 Berlin, visit our website: https://42berlin.de/
Follow 42 Berlin on Instagram for regular updates: https://www.instagram.com/42berlin_/
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