I was born in Kabul to Afghan Sunni Muslim family, due to war in Afghanistan we moved to Pakistan, and I grow up there learning about Islam and Muhammad the town we lived in was very strictly religions. I had a curious mind and had lots of questions about Religion. to get those answers i studies Quran and hadith and the more i tried to learn and go into the further away. In 2010 i came to London to study Software engineering.
in 2015 I gave up on Muhammad completely when i read news of child bride. i stopped fasting and praying.
I did not believe in Muhammad but i did not have excuse for Quran so I and prayed to God that I will read all religions and the religions that will give me reason to doubt Quran i will take that as your sign that that Is true religion and i will follow it. so I read Zoroastrians, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism and finally Christianity and June 2023 I gave my life to Jesus.
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