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吳宇森執導 洪金寶監製|錢作怪 (From Riches To Rags)|許冠英|古國華|林正英|陳琪琪|黃錦燊|陳立品|粵語CC中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01

8號電影院 - HK Movie 831,197 1 year ago
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【粵語CC中字+ENG】錢作怪 (From Riches To Rags / Money Talk)|許冠英(Ricky Hui)、古國華(Kwok Wah Koo)、陳琪琪(Qiqi Chen)、黃錦燊(Melvin Wong)、陳立品(Maria Chan)、林正英(Ching-Ying Lam):阿英和肥波兩人自小一起長大,情同手足;長大後,兩人一起到了汽水廠裏當了維修工。雖然收入卑微,家境貧寒,但是兩人卻也其樂融融。一日,兩人合夥一起買六合彩,不料真的中了頭獎,兩個窮光蛋一夜間變成了百萬富翁。當紅影星琪琪一直是阿英的夢中情人,有錢後的阿英很快和她交上了朋友。阿英誤信庸醫以為自己患上癌症,竟請來殺手殺自己,到知道弄錯時想取消交易已經來不及了,只因殺手要謹守職業道德。阿英和肥仔東躲西藏,逃進精神病院。病人全因錢字發病,殺手出現,病人將他倒,迫阿英和肥仔賭俄羅斯輪盤,令二人幾乎喪命,醫院一塌糊塗…… Ricky and Fatso are friends in need. Yes, they are in dire need of money since they are only paid slave wages at the bottling factory. By nature, Ricky is a dreamer, In his day dreams, he is romancing with Jo Jo, the movie idol. Fortune smiles on fools sometimes. Ricky and Fastso buy a lottery ticket. They become millionaires overnight. A spending spree follows. Misfortune dogs fools always. In one of these nights out in town, Ricky is suddenly attacked by an upset stomach. In no time, a quack doctor diagnoses the seizure as terminal cancer. Ricky seriously considers suicide. But he is also appalled by the drawbacks inherent in the many methods of doing himself in - primarily the pain. It is on a rooftop from which he is supposed to make a plunge that he saves a poor man from suicide by giving the latter all the money he has. In gratitude, the newly rich man promises to hire a killer to finish off his suffering benefactor. The quack doctor does discover his mistake, and Ricky and Fatso are rejoycing again, only to be interrupted by the dutiful killer. Can Ricky save himself from the murderer he hired himself? Will he be able to pour out his heart to Jo Jo before it's too late? ⚠️如需字幕請開啟CC字幕 Captions are available, you can change the default settings for captions. 吳宇森執導 洪金寶監製 | 錢作怪 (From Riches To Rags) | 許冠英、古國華、陳琪琪、黃錦燊、陳立品、林正英 | 粵語CC中字+ENG|8號電影院 HK Movie|香港電影01 Subscribe NOW➡️ #8號電影院 #錢作怪 #許冠英 #林正英 #古國華 #陳琪琪 #黃錦燊 #陳立品 #港產片 #香港電影 #亞洲電影 #線上看 #粵語 #中文字幕 #FortuneStar #周末香港電影 #吳宇森 #洪金寶 #ChineseRomanticMovie #MostPopularHongKongMovie #LoveComedyDramaMovie #ChineseActionMovie #CantoneseFullMoviesHongKong #OldHongKongCantoneseMovies #FreeCantoneseMoviesOnYoutube #ChineseDramaEngSub #ChineseFantasyMovies 🔶🔶🔶🔶🔶 訂閱頻道 Subscribe NOW ▶ 立刻加入會員 Join Membership ▶ 使用蘋果手機或平板的觀眾,提供兩個方法加入成為會員: 1、用電腦進入8號電影院YouTube頻道,按「加入」。 2、複製上面加入會員連結,然後開啟「safari」瀏覽器,進入電腦版網站,按「加入」。 🔥🔥點擊到更多電影專區🔥🔥 梁朝偉 Tony Leung: 周潤發 Chow Yun Fat: 洪金寶 Sammo Hung: 周星馳 Stephen Chow: 劉青雲 Sean Lau: 電視電影 Telemovie: 天使行動系列 - Iron Angels Collection:
