This time last year I wish someone sat me down and explained all my options - and I know I had to answer a lot of questions from friends and family so here's the breakdown on how I got a job working as a Junior Doctor in NSW Australia.
Disclaimer - I am not HETI (the agency that oversees Junior Doctor training) everything I provide is ADVICE only so it's up to you to source the information and apply your own reasoning. You can get all your HETI sanctioned info here:
0:44 - Disclaimers
1:19 - Background Info
3:26 - The Categories
5:41 - The Application Process
6:13 - Optimised Allocation
7:19 - Direct Regional Allocation
8:30 - The Stack
10:42 - The Stack for Category 4
11:29 - Rural Preferential Recruitment
13:34 - Caveats**
15:21 - Late Vacancy Management
15:50 - Caveats Cont.
17:08 - More Options!
17:40 - Private Hospital
19:02 - My Experience21:29 - oops
21:35 - My Experience Cont.
22:29 - Can’t Compare
24:13 - Why I Went Rural
25:29 - Special Note to Cat 4+
Instagram: EmmaB_MD
Twitter: EmmaB_MD
Pinterest: Emma B
Buy me a coffee at
Just trying out a new feature - by no means is this meant to pressure anyone, I'm just a med student who spends way too much on coffee!
My Live Schedule -
Study with Me Emma B - Will be focused pomodoro technique style lives, come ready to chat on the breaks and focus in between!
Coffee Time - will be more casual time to hang out, answer some Q's maybe do some casual study, think of it like a group of friends hanging out and "studying" (you know you've been there!)
What I'm Grateful For
There was a large portion of 2022 that I spent worried I wouldn't have a job. I am incredibly Grateful to be at a hospital I chose, and that chose me too, and be employed in NSW.
Camera: Sonya5100 or iPhone 12Pro
Software: Final Cut Pro X