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One amazing derivation that everyone should see at least once in their life is how we find the quadratic formula. This fun computation uses and ancient process called completing the square and some algebra tricks to solve a general quadratic equation. This formula is a staple in most mathematical training, but not everyone has seen where the formula comes from. In this video, we have a great time finding out how to obtain this formula and make some terrible math dad jokes along the way.
*Music Used*
_No Starlight Dey Beat_ by Nana Kwabena
_Stars Align_ by the 126ers
_Tropic_ by Anno Domini Beats
_Wicked Things_ by Quincas Moreira
*Images Used*
_Lights over Street after Rain at Night_
Photographer: Philip Borden
Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/lights-over-street-after-rain-at-night-20351809/
License: https://www.pexels.com/license/
All other images are either created by me or are in the public domain.