My cooking class made fruit pizza today.
 With the sugar cookie crust, sweet cream cheese filling and fresh fruit on top we made the perfect afternoon snack.
 ingredients for cookie crust
2 cups flour
One cup sugar
One egg
One stick of butter
Cream together, egg, and sugar then add softened stick of butter. Gradually add 2 cups flour, mixing until forms. Divide and press into desired shapes or onto a 12 inch pizza pan.
Preheat oven 350° bake until done depending on size 15 to 20 minutes cool before adding toppings
Cream cheese topping
1 8ounce block cream cheese
4 tablespoons of butter
1/2 cup powdered sugar
Mixed together until smooth
Spread on top of cookie crust 
Top with desired fresh fruit
#fruitpizza #fruit #creamcheese #cookingwithkids #cookingclub #fresh #schooldays