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캄브리아기 이전에는 어떤 생물들이 살았을까?(ft.에디아카라 생물군)

과학드림 [Science Dream] 313,520 lượt xem 10 months ago
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그렇다면 그 이전에는 어떤 생물들이 살았을까요?
선캄브리아 시대, 또 그중 에디아카라기에 살았던
신기한 생물들을 영상을 통해 만나 보세요!

#선캄브리아기 #에디아카라기 #캄브리아기
[참고 자료]
- Stefan Bengtson et al., (2017). "Fungus-like mycelial fossils in 2.4-billion-year-old vesicular basalt."
- Andrey Ivantsov et al., (2021). "Dickinsonia: mobile and adhered."
- HONG HUA et al., (2003). "Borings in Cloudina Shells: Complex Predator-Prey Dynamics in the Terminal Neoproterozoic."
- Ilya Bobrovskiy et al., (2018). "Ancient steroids establish the Ediacaran fossil Dickinsonia as one of the earliest animals."
- Daniel Pérez-Pinedo et al., (2022). "Charniodiscus and Arborea Are Separate Genera Within the Arboreomorpha: Using the Holotype of C. concentricus to Resolve a Taphonomic/Taxonomic Tangle."

[사진 및 영상]
- 셔터스톡 외

(1) Restless Rebels
(2) Aint Looking Back
(3) Music: [Celebration] by Alexander Nakarada (
Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License
(4) Voltage
(5) Howling at the moon
