#Singlemomlife #singlemom #dailylife #videofish
Hello everyone, happy new year to everyone.
👉Today I re-posted the full video episodes of me and the baby, catching fish in an abandoned pond and making a fish trap out of bamboo, catching a lot of big fish.
👉Everyone who loves me and the baby, remember to like, subscribe to the channel, share and support me and the baby, thank you.
#singlemomlife #singlemotherlife #vietnamesesinglemother #singlemomnewlife #videosinglemom #singlemother #singlemom17yearold #mom #motherandbaby #singlelife #single #life #livewithnatura #singlemotherbuildingnewlife #singlemotherbuildinglife #abandonedpond #pondfish #catchfish #videocatchfish #fish #bamboocage #videofull