0:00 Start stream and check updates
1:40 First version of Dev Log 0
4:15 Dev Log: Introductions
16:15 Dev Log: Game Engine Systems
41:25 Dev Log: Github
49:10 Update progress board
52:00 Show off stream changes and create engine commit 1
58:52 Add asset primitive types to kgscript language
1:27:50 Work on adding cached asset information to language
1:45:00 Work on tokenizing/parsing/output of new asset literals
3:07:25 Create engine commit 2 and outro (still some issues with asset literals)
Check out my socials:
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ElPsyStreams
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ElPsyKongroo100/
Github: https://github.com/ElPsyKongroo1/Kargono
Progress Board: https://github.com/users/ElPsyKongroo1/projects/1
All Video Diagrams: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uN7MX3FoJEz7psXa8e2EboVuD4o6IfA7?usp=drive_link
Try out Pong on Windows: https://github.com/ElPsyKongroo1/Pong/releases/tag/v0.1.1
Commits from this stream:
Engine Commit 1: https://github.com/ElPsyKongroo1/Kargono/commit/97b7555d8c78476706bffb2efe34858a498a2ea7
Engine Commit 2: https://github.com/ElPsyKongroo1/Kargono/commit/d8994575a4028347a73aba67778c27425d9ae03c
Chill Music provided by Chillhop Music - https://chillhop.com/creatorcred
Hype Music provided by M-Piece - https://soundcloud.com/marvin-biano