Hii, welcome back to my channel ✨
I know I should upload my top b-sides of 2023 but I haven't had time to finish editing it.
These last months have been a bit strange for me, in a good and bad way.
The good thing, I finally saw dreamcatcher in concert. I have no words to describe how crazy it was last week to see them and listen to their songs. It was almost like a party, I could do like 50 more rounds of Silent Night, I'll never forget that part.
I'll try to upload my top b-sides soon, but I also think that this year I'll upload videos to yt only when I want, I don't think I'll be very active this year, or yes, I'll see.
Twitter: @Kaleulla
Insta: @kaleullaa
kpop rank songs underrated kpop songs nugu songs nugu groups favorite albums songs top dreamcatcher day6 super dragon ghost9 dkz dongkiz bvndit
This video is inspired by @yooaholic 's "Kpop game of fate". If you liked this one, I recommend watching their videos, they're very entertaining.
#kpop #jpop #cpop