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Gandalf's Speech To The Balrog & What It Means | Tolkien Explained

Nerd of the Rings 1,270,796 2 years ago
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The brand new Magic: the Gathering The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth releases June 23, 2023! Check out the card packs here: In today's video, we go line-by-line through Gandalf's speech to the balrog, explaining the meaning and significance of his words. Gandalf and the Balrog - Matthew Stewart Gandalf v Balrog - Dzmitry Yakhouski Gandalf and Balrog - JG Jones Flame of Udûn - Manuel Castañón Gandalf and Balrog - Daniel Dougherty The Bridge of Khazad-Dum - Anna Kulisz The Balrog – Ted Nasmith Balrog - JG Jones Gandalf Balrog - Felix Englund Gandalf - Elrodimus Flash Gandalf the Grey - Elrodimus Flash Gandalf - skullb*st*rd gandalf - Jenny Dolfen Mithlond - Sara M. Morello ainur, children of iluvatar - nahar birth of valar - skullb*st*rd Ainulindale, Harmony - Anna Kulisz Iluvatar's Mighty Theme - Anna Kulisz Eru Iluvatar - Janka Latečková Ainulindale, The last chord - Anna Kulisz the music of the ainur - aegeri Ainulindale - Alystraea Eru and the Gods Singing the First Song of Creation - Kip Rasmussen Eru Iluvatar (and_the_Ainur) - Šárka Škorpíková green elves - Turner Mohan iluvatar's mighty theme - kuliszu Melkor Weaves Opposing Music - Ted Nasmith The Dawn of the Firstborn Elves - Ted Nasmith Aule and the Seven Fathers - Ted Nasmith fathers of the dwarves - steamey Aule the Destroyer - Ted Nasmith The Dwarf Lords - Ralph Damiani And Morgoth came - Jenny Dolfen origin of the orcs - Turner Mohan Misty Mountain Orc - Olanda Fong-Surdenas Gandalf - aegeri gandalf - John Howe Gandalf - Kinko White Legolas and Gandalf - Catherine Karina Chmiel Balrog - John_Howe Gothmog - Anastasiya Gandalf and the Balrog - John Howe Bane of Durin - Jerry Vanderstelt fingolfin facing morgoth - Tolman Cotton Gandalf the Grey - Kinko White Gandalf, A Light in the Dark - Matthew Stewart Gandalf and the Balrog - John Howe The Elven Rings - Ralph Damiani grey havens - Tolman Cotton Gandalf and Shadowfax - Ted Nasmith Cirdan, Lord of the Falathrim - Peter Xavier Price Cirdan - Alystraea Gandalf - Catherine Karina Chmiel Gandalf and Frodo - Ivan Cavini Gandalf - Rafael Damiani Ringbearers - Jenny Dolfen Galadriel - Ted Nasmith Gandalf at the Doors of Durin moria - Dzmitry Yakhouski mountains - felix englund glorfindel with elrond and gandalf - alystraea Grey Havens - Alan Lee JRR Tolkien - skullb*st*rd Gandalf Balrog - Felix Englund Moria - John Howe Gandalf - Elrodimus Flash The Bridge of Khazad-dum - John Howe Gandalf - Catherine Karina Chmiel The First Dawn of the Sun - Ted Nasmith Of Sun and Moon - Šárka Škorpíková Balrog - John Howe fingolfin vs morgoth - Matt Leese Fingolfin vs Morgoth - Šárka Škorpíková Arien - Lída Holubová Morgoth and Fingolfin - YidanYuan Anfauglith - Peter Xavier Price Anar - the Sun vessel - Matěj Čadil Lungorthin - Anastasiya Cemetery Balrog - Daniel Govar The Balrog - Ted Nasmith Balrog - John_Howe Balrog - John_Howe Gandalf - Daniel Dougherty Dark valley - Felix Englund Battle in the distance - Felix Englund dramatic clouds - Felix Englund Battle of Sudden Flame - Alan Lee Balrog - John Howe balrog - Kinko White Balrog - Jerry Vanderstelt Beren and Luthien flee Angband - Pete Amachree At the Bridge - Ted Nasmith Gothmog - Steve Airola Gandalf book Mazarbul - Matthew Stewart Lord of the Eagles - Tuuliky Fionwe - Marya Filatova Angband - skullb*st*rd Gandalf v Balrog - Dzmitry Yakhouski khazad-dum - CK Goksoy Gandalf and the Balrog Upon Celebdil - Ted Nasmith #gandalf #lordoftherings #balrog
