Jai Mata Di Recording Studio Alirajpur - Golu Rathod 9981319895
--------- Warning To All Creators ---------
Making DJ remix songs from our channel and re-uploading video on YouTube, it is illegal to broadcast without permission in the local TV channel. So you are requested not to do so or else there may be legal action on you.
Prastut - Dewanbhai & Kamlesh bhai Ambapura
Gayak - Madiya Jamod
Music - Banti Akhade
Collaborate - Dewanbhai
Studio - Golu Rathod
Label/Company - #MCLProductions (Kamlesh Mandloi)
MCL Productions चैनल से जुड़ने एवं अपने गानों को इस चैनल पर रिलीज कराने के लिए संपर्क करे!
Hike :https://hike.li/@its_djkamlesh
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