New freeware shmup by @LumpyTouch that combines R-Type with everyone's favorite Gorefield lore.
Lots of insane visuals and story, as expected of LumpyTouch, though you don't get to see a lot of it in this mode lol.
Monday mode is a special challenge mode, basically a one-hit death mode that removes all your hit points and all the recovery items in the game. No lives or continues either.
Still not too bad though, once you learn the bosses the game is pretty consistent. It's also pretty short.
Monday mode has a unique ending so if you want to earn it yourself beware of spoilers.
There are 3 different shots in this, Spaghetti, Macaroni and Ravioli.
Spaghetti is your standard R-Type bouncy shot and is pretty good for cramped indoor spaces like stage 1 and 2.
Macaroni is forward focus and is probably the strongest shot.
Ravioli is the classic punishment weapon, it's short-range and does no damage. You'll likely die if you accidentally get this.
There is also an enemy in each stage, besides stage 1, that drops an option.
Besides the shot powerups you also have the G-Field.
This lets you basically warp across the screen and shoot a ring of strong bullets.
You can have two in stock at any time and shooting enemies refills the gauges.
Doing this is required in some parts of the game.
Stage 2 and 4 bosses are probably the hardest parts in this.
The attacks they use is random and some attacks are a lot harder than others.
For some you need to react quickly and for some the attack transitions can be nasty.
They have a lot of attacks and some are pretty rare, it's easy to beat bosses without seeing all of what they do.
Neat little game, feels a little like a GBA shmup.
Though I don't like how it's mouse-only.
No scoring system of any kind also makes it not really have much replay value or depth besides a challenge like this.
Hitboxes are absolutely massive.
This is also employing the classic design of powerups being more dangerous than actual bullets.
Merry Christmas!
Download the game here:
00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Mission 1: Defend Neo-Muncie
03:25 - Mission 2: Investigate the Debris Field
06:29 - Mission 3: Infiltrate the Lasagna Base
09:17 - Mission 4: Destroy Gorestar
12:51 - Ending