KALABASA CHICHARON... pwede pala gawin ito sa kalabasa... Squash or Pumpkin cracklings... so easy to make... just follow the procedure in this video and you'll come up a delicious fun snacks. Ingredients: 1 cup mashed cooked squash 3 cups cornstarch 2 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp fine salt 1 tsp sugar 1 tsp chicken powder or seasoning granules 1/4 cup water #KalabasaChicharon #GawinItoSaKalabasa #panlasangpinoy You can also watch my other version of Kalabasa Malunggay Chicharon here... https://youtu.be/BQm0uvznW4I Please join my Facebook Group - Filipino Creative Cooking | Panlasang Pinoy https://www.facebook.com/groups/FilipinoCreativeCookingPanlasangPinoy Learn more from my Channel... https://youtube.com/c/DanzFoodpark Please visit my Pinterest Account... https://www.pinterest.ph/DanzFoodpark/_saved/ Please visit my Twitter Account... https://twitter.com/PinoyRecipes59 Please visit my Instagram Account... https://instagram.com/danzfoodpark -------------------- Music Title: BUBINGA Artist: Quincas Moreira Audio Library Link:https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCqyMuX8zLGSLCxptquJwUBQ/music