This video contains four matches I had with the recently buffed LV4, LV3 and LV2 Geara Zulu on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 550-700 cost general with a very easy to use loadout, good damage on all of its weapons, high melee priority and good melee damage. It suffers from short range, from being relatively defenceless close up unless its sturmfaust is ready, from having short melee reach, from its beam machine gun firing slowly, from having mediocre skills at LV1 alongside it having a definite weakness to ballistics. This suit was recently buffed with 18500/20500/22500/24500 HP, 69 turning speed, 135 walk speed at 650 cost, more custom part slots at 600 cost and above, LV2 Forced Injector at 600 cost, LV3 Forced Injector at 700 cost, LV3 Right Shoulder Special Cushioning at 700 cost, 225 boosting speed at 700 cost, 75 turning speed at 700 cost, 75 thrust at 700 cost, 400/500/600/700 uncharged beam machine gun power, 2400/2600/2800/3000 charged beam machine gun power, 12 seconds beam machine gun reload time, 3200/3500/3800 beam axe power (no buff for LV1) and 50% beam axe combo modifier. I hope that you enjoy watching!
Its primary weapon at LV3 is a beam machine gun with 600x6 (2800) power, 36 ammo, 1.5 seconds cooldown, 12 seconds reload, 0.77 second swap time, 260m (360m) range, 3 seconds focus time and 20%x6 (40%) stagger value. This has really high power per burst alongside ASL, but it isn't as good as it seems. It has 1.5 seconds cooldown which isn't ideal, but furthermore, it takes 52 frames ( 0.86 seconds) for it to actually complete the burst. This means that the actual DPS is just okay, and it isn't totally reliable when you need to defend yourself close up, especially if you need to fire two bursts. Charged shots instant stagger and consume 6 ammo.
Its primary melee weapon at LV3 is a beam axe with 3500 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time and standard modifiers. This has absolutely amazing power alongside high melee priority, but the downswing is a little slower than average and it has short reach. You don't have the greatest of tools to confirm this, but it hits real hard.
Its first sub weapon is a hand grenade with 1980 power, 3 ammo, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 13 seconds reload, 1 second swap time and 60% stagger value. This has pretty decent damage per throw alongside decent stagger accumulation. If you have the time, it is really effective to use before a beam machine gun burst, it makes it stagger much faster.
Its second sub weapon is a sturmfaust launcher with 2750 power, 1 ammo, 13 seconds reload, 0.77 seconds swap time, 200m range and 80% stagger value. This instant staggers and has high damage, but it has short range and long reload time. Unlike other sturmfausts, with this one, there is no weapon swap time delay after firing. This means that you can treat this like a pocket bazooka.
The LV3 Geara Zulu has 22500 HP, 16 ballistic resist, 32 beam resist and 30 melee resist. It has pretty good durability in every area, except against ballistic damage. It has a 15% damage reduction buffer for the shoulder shield, alongside LV1 Maneuver Armor and LV1 Emergency Evasion.
In terms of mobility it has 135 walk speed, 215 boosting speed, 70 thrust and 69 turning speed. It has decent mobility, but nothing amazing. It has both LV2 Forced Injector and LV2 Flight Control, but keep in mind that it only has LV1 Forced Injector at 550 cost, which is rather dreadful.
In conclusion, I feel that the Geara Zulu got done dirty this patch. For context, this thing was released at the very start of 2021, only to be quickly powercrept. That is fine, but it took them until now to go ahead and buff it, but they don't fix the suits actual problems. For starters, it should have gotten LV2 Forced Injectors and 135 walking speed starting from LV1, not just higher levels. That is small potatoes compared to the rest though, especially when considering that they didn't buff its stagger output at all. I think it needs another buff soon. It should get 1 second cooldown time for the BMG, be able to complete the BMG burst in half a second, get 300m range for the BMG, get 8 seconds sturmfaust reload time, get 2 seconds beam axe cooldown time, 135 walking speed at LV1, LV2 Forced Injectors at LV1 alongside LV2 Emergency Evasion. I wouldn't recommend this thing for rated match, it doesn't have the ability to save itself or its teammates from a pinch, and its DPS isn't that good, so keep it in quick and custom matches. Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjoyed it!
Music used:
Sol-Feace, Enemies Arsenal
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Possible