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GBO2 Gouf Custom: "That's right! Cower! Be afraid!"

Avenger1_ GBO2 9,704 2 years ago
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This video contains two recent matches I had with the LV2 Gouf Custom on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 350-550 cost raid with very powerful melee, a heat rod which can heavy stagger enemies, LV2 Power Accelerator to boost away from melee clashes, solid mobility and decent mid-range DPS. Its weaknesses would be slow stun accumulation, lack of instant stuns, the need to rely on raw melee to initiate, lacking a dodge roll and it firing both ranged weapons from the left arm. This suit was buffed about a month ago with extra melee modifier, +5 thrust, +3 turning speed, Shield Break Mastery, LV2 Power Accelerator along with increased combo and downswing modifiers. I meant to do a video on this suit closer to when the buffs came out but it has unfortunately been delayed until now. Despite the obvious weaknesses, I think that this suit can go on a real rampage in melee. I hope that you enjoy watching! Its primary ranged weapon at LV2 is a shield mounted gatling gun with 126 power, 82 ammo, 450 RPM, 10 seconds reload, 1 second swap time, 250m range, 945 DPS and 5% stagger value. This has the weaknesses of taking just under 3 seconds to stagger along with firing from the left arm, but it has decent range and pretty nice DPS. It lacks the bullet spread of other low cost machine guns so it isn't the worst option to use to deal some damage to supports from mid-range. But of course this is situational since the support can just easily stagger you in return. Its primary melee weapon is a heat sword with 2310 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time, 80%/64% combo modifier and 140% downswing modifier. This has fast swap time along with incredible power, even generals will be chunked pretty hard if you can close in on them. The neutral swing can sometimes miss knocked over enemies but it has good reach and good speed in return. Its first sub weapon is a heat rod with 1680 power, 6 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time and 100m range. This melee weapon shoots out a wire in front of you which heavy staggers any MS caught by it, letting you easily combo them afterwards. It is difficult to hit this without any set-up, but a neutral swing from your heat sword is a simple way to confirm it. Its second sub weapon is a hand gatling gun with 110 power, 30 ammo, 360 RPM, 6 seconds reload, 0.77 seconds swap time, 180m range, 660 DPS and 8% stagger value. This has mediocre DPS and short range but it can stagger enemies faster than the shield gatling gun, stunning in just 2.16 seconds. This still isn't that quick so try to use it on enemies who aren't paying attention to you. The LV2 Gouf Custom has 14500 HP, 21 ballistic resist, 16 beam resist and 20 melee resist. This is pretty decent durability but nothing crazy either. The monster generals of 350-400 cost will have no trouble nuking you if you are out of position. It has no dodge roll, but has LV2 Maneuver Armor starting from 350 cost. It also has 135 (138 including ground affinity) walking speed, 195 boosting speed, 70 thrust and 60 (66 including ground affinity) walking speed. The boosting speed isn't as fast as some other 350 raids but it has good walking and turning speed. It lacks Forced Injectors as well, which is a skill that many 350 cost raids get. It also benefits from having access to LV2 Power Accelerator. This allows you to boost out of both types of melee clash animation while the enemy is still stuck in place, allowing you to make a quick get away or to attack them with your melee. This is somewhat situational but it prevents you from being open to the enemy team stunlocking you if you clash by mistake with somebody. You can also aim to clash with other raids on purpose since you can get a guaranteed combo on them afterwards. Overall I feel like while these buffs did a whole lot for Gouf Custom, I still don't think I can call it a strong suit. The previous issue it had was that it did mediocre melee damage despite it being very difficult to reliably use its melee, but only one side of this issue is fixed. It is still pretty difficult to reliably use the melee when your stun accumulation is too slow and in a cost where generals have good enough stun accumulation to stop you from getting close. So I think it would have been better if this buff also improved the stagger accumulation of both gatling guns. Despite this I think it is a very fun suit if you are adept with using heat rod style weapons and melee focused raids. I definitely can't recommend it if you are looking for a consistent and reliable raid for rated matches but I don't think its a weak suit either. It does excel in the match-up against the dangerous transforming tanks Hildolfr and Assault Guntank though, which is something to consider since many raids struggle with that. Thanks for watching, and I hope that you enjoyed it! Music used: Dragon Ball Z Budokai, Tournament Theme 3 Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Possible
