This video contains four matches I had with the recently buffed LV1 and LV4 Xamel on Gundam Battle Operation 2. It is a 500-700 cost support with consistent heavy stagger ability, Shock Dampeners, Damage Control alongside overall amazing long range shelling capabilities. It has a few key weaknesses, those being that it cannot shoot its cannons directly in front of it and that it is absolutely gigantic. This suit was recently buffed with 3000 more HP for every level, extra custom part slots for every level, LV1 Damage Control at 500 cost, LV2 Damage Control at 650 cost, LV3 Damage Control at 700 cost, 250/300/350/400/450 missile power, 0.5 seconds missile swap time, 1700/1900/2100/2300/2500 HE cannon power, 1300/1450/1600/1750/1900 cluster cannon power, 1 second cluster cannon swap time, 2900/2200/2400/2600/2800 APFSDS cannon power, 2 seconds APFSDS cannon swap time, reduced end lag for all cannon types alongside 512 RPM and 7% stagger power for the vulcan gun. I hope that you enjoy watching!
Its primary weapon is a missile launcher with 225 power, 239 RPM, 24 ammo, 10 seconds reload, 0.5 seconds swap time, 400m range, 996 DPS and 6% stagger value.. These don't have incredible DPS or anything at LV1, but they become much stronger at higher levels. They are a good option to use when you want to finish off low HP enemies or to follow up on allies downswings, they can also be fired while boosting.
Its primary melee weapon is its own fists with 1300 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.5 seconds swap time and standard modifiers. This has absolutely awful range like T-Rex arms on attacks other than the downswing, and even that is short range. You can use this after a heavy stagger in self defence.
Its first sub weapon is a HE type cannon with 1700 power, 12 ammo, 5 seconds cooldown, 10 second reload, 1.5 seconds swap time, 650m range and 70% stagger value. This has a large splash radius, instant stagger and good ballistic damage. You will either be using this to stun people with or to combo with after a heavy stagger shell.
Its second sub weapon is a cluster type cannon with 1200 power, 12 ammo, 4 seconds cooldown, 10 seconds reload, 1 second swap time, 650m range and 0% stagger value. This cannot stagger in any way but has incredibly huge splash radius which makes it ideal for finishing low HP enemies or as a combo ender.
Its third sub weapon is a APFSDS type cannon with 2000 power, 6 ammo, 8 seconds cooldown, 15 seconds reload, 2 seconds swap time and 900m range. This doesn't have any splash damage, but it fires completely straight and has amazing velocity. This can heavy stagger enemies and has incredible range, making it your best combo starter and best weapon in general.
Its fourth sub weapon is a vulcan gun with 20 power, 30 ammo, 512 RPM, 6 seconds reload, 0.5 seconds swap time, 150m range, 171 DPS and 7% stagger value. This has pitiful damage, but it can stagger enemies in about 1.7 seconds. It is basically your last resort self defence weapon, sometimes useful when running away.
The LV1 Xamel has 22000 HP, 24 ballistic/beam defence and 6 melee defence. It has really high HP but low melee resistance. Paradoxically though, it isn't particularly squishy against melee attacks because of its tank type i-frames. Tank types recover from a knockdown animation much quicker which massively reduces the amount of damage you take from melee combos. It is very large though, so it will die quickly to concentrated fire if your distance management is off. It lacks any defensive buffers, but benefits from LV1 Shock Dampeners and LV1 Damage Control to resist against staggers.
In terms of mobility it has 125 (128 including ground affinity) hover speed, 190 boost speed, 70 thrust and 48 (54) turn speed. Despite consuming more thrust than normal due to being classed as a tank type, it has fairly good mobility for a 500 cost support.
It also has LV1 Precision Shelling, which increases the ranged damage bonus for crouching from +5 to +10.
In conclusion, I feel that the Xamel has gone from being an undeniable throw-pick to being one of the strongest supports available, not just at 500 cost, but at every cost it can be played at. It is comically oppressive if it can get situated in a nice position, it is like fighting a well positioned Guntank but 10x worse. You can near constantly shell the enemy with not just normal staggers, but heavy staggers too, while also doing great damage. Many raids can't even stop it reliably either, this thing being buffed like this just unironically justified OP raids like the Prototype Zeta Gundam X1, many 700 cost raids might even struggle if they need to close in to 300m or so. I can highly recommend this suit now, it is basically the low cost tank archetype dialled up to the extreme. Thanks for watching and I hope that you enjoyed it!
Music used:
Metal Gear Solid 3, Takin' on the Shagohod
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, A Good Thing is Possible