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GE 20 大講堂 Master Class - 學友30光年真情流露 Jacky Cheung's 30 Years of Music Journey

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大約十年前,學友曾經來到港大通識演講。在「香港流行音樂三十年」的課程系列中,他分享了很多香港樂壇發展的獨到觀點。當時,他也回憶了好些入行二十載的故事。十年人事,2015年既是通識20周年紀念,亦是學友音樂事業30周年,今次難得再聚,他將會在我們的大講堂,與同學們「細數30光年」,真情流露。 Mr. Jacky Cheung, the veteran singer of Canto-pop will revisit HKU after 10 years to share his view of Hong Kong’s pop music industry as well as the 30th anniversary of his music career.
