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General considerations on Dendrobium care

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Below, is a list of some sections I have encountered with some examples of species. That is VERY FAR from exhaustive One website to check which section the Dendrobium belongs to is The book is Orchids species culture - Dendrobiums by Baker and Baker - Timber press The website to buy culture sheets by the piece for $1 is: ==================================================== Some sections I have encountered: Section Callista: needs extended dry rest in winter to bloom properly. Medium bright light. Will take low temperatures at night. lindlyei (syn. aggregatum), thyrsiflorum, jenkensii, chrysotoxum etc... Section Spatulata (Antelope): no rest, plenty of water year-round, cold intolerant, high light Spatulata from New-Guinea: antennatum, gouldii, stratiotes, stebloceras, tangerinum, lasianthera, lineale, mirbelianum, sylvanum, violaceoflavens etc... Spatulata from Australia: canaliculatum, carronnii, undulatum (also called discolor) affine, bigibbum, phalaenopsis etc... Hybrids usually sold in this section in the US. Section Latouria: easy care, no rest, moderate watering, high light, can take low temperatures atroviolaceum, normanbyense etc... Mostly hybrids sold in the US. Section Dendrobium: extensive dry rest anosmum, friedericksianum, unicum and many more Section Breviflores: strong reduction of watering in winter, medium light hercoglossum, linguella etc... Section Calcarifera: amethystoglossum, Victoria-Regina etc... Section Pedilonum: bullenianum, goldschmidtianum etc.... Section Dendrocoryne (Australian hard canes): extensive dry rest and low temperatures in winter needed for proper flowering speciosum, fleckeri, tetragonum etc... Section Rhopalante: many small flowers, short-lived. water year-round faciferum, crumenatum etc.... Section Calyptorichilus: aemulum, lawesii etc.. Section Formosae: lowii etc... Section Dockrilla: linguiforme etc... Past videos of mine on some Dendrobiums: Den. anosmum: (Section Dendrobium) Den. lindleyi: (Section Callista) Antelope Dendrobiums: (Section Spatulata) Den. hercoglossum (Seciton Breviflores)
