Vocal:鈴華ゆう子 / 箏:いぶくろ聖志 / 尺八:神永大輔 / 津軽三味線:蜷川べに / 和太鼓:黒流 / Guitar:町屋 / Bass:亜沙 / Drums:山葵
【Wagakki band×Gero】 The members of hot group "Wagakki Band" turn out in force!
Gero interviews the band that's causing a stir with their rock/traditional Japanese fusion cover of "Senbonzakura".
The members of hot group "Wagakki Band" turn out in force! The personalities of the band members and the way they introduce themselves are very distinctive!
■A major debut at last!
All songs in "vocaloid-ZANMAI", which is on sale from 23 April 2014, are cross-faded!
■Member profile
Vocal : Yuko Suzuhana / Koto : Kiyoshi Ibukuro / Shakuhachi : Daisuke Kaminaga / Tsugaru jamisen:Beni Ninagawa / Wadaiko:KUrona / Guitar:Machiya / Bass:Asa / Drums:Wasabi