? DOWNLOAD FREE PROJECT FILES HERE! ? ➡️ https://maxonvfx.com/4gkpwuW Get Started with the Particle Node Modifier (1/4) – Create with Maxon In the first livestream of our “Unlocking Nodes Magic in Cinema 4D” series, 3D Artist Dominik Ruckli (@realruckli) is going to take you through basic but effective particle setups using the Particle Node Modifier in Cinema 4D. You will learn how to sample colors using custom properties, creating a field turbulence modifier, working with the cross product, creating a flow field surface modifier and more. Of course, Dominik is also going to share some of his tips and tricks. 00:00:00 Waiting Loop 00:00:39 Welcome 00:02:00 Housekeeping 00:04:15 Introducing Dominik 00:05:48 Content of part one 00:08:18 Noseman - Nodes Preview 00:09:44 Part 1 - Particle - Sample Texture Modifier 00:10:11 __ Call up a Particle Node Modifier 00:10:16 __ Particles Custom Properties 00:11:13 __ Output - Property Entry Fields 00:11:46 __ Add Custom Property, Type 00:13:35 __ Basic Emitter, UV data, Texture Sampling 00:16:56 __ Particle Node Modifier, Intro 00:18:32 __ Node - Get Particle Property, UV set up 00:19:30 __ Node - Sample Shader, Color, UVW 00:20:03 __ Node - Image, file 00:20:38 __ Image upside down, flip image 00:21:07 __ Node - Invert, Image, standards 00:23:48 __ What to do with values 00:23:58 __ Node - Value, Vector 00:25:14 __ Node - Scale [1], add input 00:26:39 __ Node - Add, Multiply, Shifting Image 00:28:23 Q - Emit from Opaque textures Pixel 00:30:28 Q -- Node - Compare, Kill output 00:31:42 Part 2 - Particle - Field Turbulence Modifier 00:32:05 __ Preview 00:32:26 __ Reuse part one 00:33:04 __ Particle Node Modifier, Fields, Noise 00:34:40 __ Noise Field - Direction 00:35:50 __ Node - Scale [2] Field Color 00:37:01 Q - Field Direction, why up to the right 00:37:47 Q -- Node - Range Mapper 00:41:01 Part 3 - Particle - Cross Product 00:41:42 __ Node - Cross Product [1] 00:42:06 __ Cross Product visualized, examples 00:45:13 __ Setting vectors to noise, visual Example 00:45:40 __ Video preview 00:45:53 __ New Project, Sphere, Mesh Emitter 00:48:06 __ Call up a Particle Node Modifier 00:48:41 __ Node - Object Child, Sphere data, link 00:50:06 __ Node - Closest Point On Surface, Index 00:51:57 __ Node - Mesh Property Interpolate 00:52:27 __ Node - Generate Point Normals 00:53:56 __ Node - Scale [3] 00:54:37 __ Node - Cross Product [2], Random Field, Tracer 00:55:45 __ Testing the setup, adding color 00:57:39 Q How to learn Nodes 01:01:47 Q Dominik, personal use, challenges, hardware 01:06:40 Part 4 - Particle - Flow Field on Surface Modifier (quick) 01:06:49 __ Reuse of part 3, adding Landscape 01:08:40 Part 5 - Particle - Rain Drops Modifier 01:08:46 __ Setting up a Rain Emitter 01:09:37 __ Group Switch setup 01:10:25 __ Switch when Collide 01:11:49 __ Node - Cross-Product [3], Cross Product 01:13:45 __ Testing the setup 01:14:12 Tip - Switch Group at Collision one-stop option, 01:15:35 Tip - leave Auto off in the Custom Property's definition 01:17:18 __ Example demo - Erosion Map Video, Landscape 01:19:30 __ Example demo - Head Sweat Drop 01:20:40 Contact Noseman on X 01:22:16 Thank you, Dominik, and wrapping up 01:22:57 Where to post questions 01:23:17 Thank you and bye