Get 5 Exercises to Improve Your Vocal Tone:
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Introduction 0:00
5 tone count for Males 6:23
5 tone count for Females 7:19
5 tone Gug for Males 8:12
5 tone Gug for Females 8:33
5 tone Buh for Males 9:42
5 tone Buh for Females 10:16
Octave Repeat Gug for Males 11:54
Octave Repeat Gug for Females 12:40
Octave repeat Mum for males 14:23
Octave repeat Mum for females 14:53
Do you have a good vocal range but feel that your voice just doesn't sound good? Often, many singers will be too breathy, nasally, squeezed, or operatic sounding when they sing.
None of these sounds are perfect for singing with the right vocal tone. So in today's video, I'm going to show you how to sing with the perfect vocal tone.
The truth is that lots of singers have a fantastic vocal range, but if those notes don't sound good, what's the point of singing them? In fact, many singers will sing too breathy or nasally when they're singing. Neither of these is the optimal vocal tone.
So what is vocal tone? Vocal tone or your Timbre, is the unique sound or color of your voice. And just like a fine wine, you could describe your vocal tone in a million different ways. Some of the most common ways to describe vocal tone are bright, brassy, breathy, nasal, squeezy, resonant, and hooty. The list goes on and on! But what is the perfect vocal tone for singing?
The correct vocal tone for singing is rich, resonant, easy to produce, and the correct mix of bright and dark and vocal sounds. So how do you find this perfect vocal tone? The correct vocal tone requires the coordination of two different systems in singing. The phonation system which controls the vocal cord, and the resonation system which occurs above your vocal cords.
The correct vocal tone is actually a combination of these two systems working together. For instance, if your vocal cords aren't vibrating enough, then your resonation system won't matter. Your vocal tone will be too brassy.
Or, if your vocal cords are working correctly, but your soft palate is too low, you will end up sounding nasal. Neither one is ideal. Instead, you want to make sure that both the vocal cords and the resonation systems are perfectly optimized.
I'm going to show you my five favorite exercises for making sure that you sing with the perfect vocal tone.
In the first exercise, you're going to sing a five-tone count where you sing a 5-tone scale that replaces each note of the scale with the five tones of the major scale.
In the next exercise, I'm going to show you the five tone “Gug” exercise. In this exercise, you're going to sing a 5-tone scale where you replace each note of the scale with the word Gug, as in gutter.
In the next exercise, I'm going to show you the five tone “But”. In this exercise, you're going to sing a five-tone scale where you replace each note of the scale with the word Buh, as in butter.
In the next exercise I'm going to show you how to sing to the top part of your range without straining and sounding nasal. In this exercise, you're going to sing an octave repeat scale. In this exercise, you're going to sing an octave repeat arpeggio where you replace each note of the scale with the word Gug.
In our final exercise, you're going to sing an octave repeat scale where you replace each note of the scale with the word Mum.
No matter where your vocal tone is right now, just understand that you just need to work with the right exercises in order to make it sound better. Don't worry if your voice sounds a little bit nasal or strainy when you're first starting off. This is perfectly normal. However over time, you want to make sure that you're singing with the perfect vocal tone.