猪猪侠之恐龙日记 GG Bond: Dino Diary EP10 T-Rex VS. T-Rex _《霸王龙大战霸王龙 》
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猪猪侠之恐龙日记 GG Bond Dinosaur: http://bit.ly/GGBond_Dinosaur_Diary
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豬豬俠之 GG Bond S14 Dodgeball Legend: http://bit.ly/GGBond_S14
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第10集 霸王龙大战霸王龙
Episode 10 T-Rex VS. T-Rex
GG Bond found a T-Rex’s skull fossil and was confused by the scratch on it. To find out the truth, GG Bond and Woody began investigation again. They noticed that two T-Rexes were scrambling for a piece of meat. Unluckily, they got stuck in the meat and chased by these two T-Rexes. They managed to separate themselves with the meat. T-Rexes finally got what they want, but they thought GG Bond was also editable. Scared by two T-Rexes, GG Bond and Woody quickly fled away.
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