In this video, Ghost Battle, released in 1991 for the Atari ST by Thalion.
We are a muscled big bad barbarian and our true and only love has been kidnapped, hence we must go rescue her before it's too late. Like good old Ghost and Goblins we start at the cemetery and we must face enemies whose attack pattern, in some cases, remembers the ones found in Shadow of the Beast game.
Programmed for the Commodore Amiga and ported to the ST, Ghost Battle is a solid side-scrolling platform. It is composed of 5 levels and our job is to solve some puzzles and kill lots of enemies by throwing rocks at them. The graphics are good, polished, the sprites are detailed, the scrolling is good and the action is a little slow. The audio is composed by Jochen "Madmax" Hippel and it's great. The playability is good also thanks to the selectable level of difficulty.
Here you'll find intro with music and gameplay.
All footage taken from original hardware machines and upscaled to 1080P.
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