Synopsis: The adventure action movie "Ghost Blows Out the Light, The Worm Valley 鬼吹燈之雲南蟲谷" tells the story of Hu Bayi (played by Luo Liqun), Shirley Yang (played by Hu Xueer) and Wang Pangzi (played by Zhang Weiwei) who escaped from the Jingjue Ghost Cave. In order to remove the erythema poison on their bodies, they embarked on an adventure to Southeast Asia to continue looking for the Zhuchen Pearl. As Wang Pangzi accidentally provoked Scott's group, Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang could not bear to sit back and watch, so they decided to go to the Xianwang Shengxian Mausoleum to rescue him. At the same time, it also shows that the tomb-grabbing lieutenants can always stick to their original intentions. When their teammates face danger and threats, they will not abandon them, advance and retreat together, and watch each other. In the end, relying on their rich experience and ancestral tomb-grabbing secrets, they successfully uncovered the secrets hidden behind the Xianwang Tomb and escaped together.
故事简介: 探险动作电影《鬼吹灯之云南虫谷 Ghost Blows Out the Light, The Worm Valley 》讲述了从精绝鬼洞逃出的摸金校尉胡八一(罗立群饰)、雪莉杨(胡雪儿饰)和王胖子(张维威饰),为了解除身上的红斑剧毒,从而便踏上了一段前往东南亚去继续寻找雮尘珠的冒险之旅,随着王胖子意外招惹了斯科特一伙,胡八一和雪莉杨不忍坐视不管,便决定前去献王升仙陵营救。同时也展现出摸金校尉们始终能够坚守着自己的初心,在队友面临到危险和威胁时,不抛弃,共同进退,彼此守望,最终凭借着自身丰富的经验和祖传的摸金秘法,成功揭开了隐藏在献王古墓背后的秘密,并一起逃出生天。
出品 Studio: 新片场影业 New Studio Pictures.
制片人 Produced by: 神煜婧 Shen Yujing, 马睿 Ma Rui.
导演 Directed by: 代艺霖 Dai Yilin.
编剧 Screenplay by: 林剑锋 Lin Jianfeng, 陈崇 Chen Chong.
主演 Starring: 罗立群 Luo Liqun, 胡雪儿 Hu Xueer, 张维威 Zhang Weiwei.
题材 Genres: #动作 #action #探险 #adventure
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